Medical services and clinics
Below are the services and clinics available in your area.
ADHD or Autism Assessment
Before Children can be referred for an ADHD or autism assessment we need to have the following information from the educational setting attended by the child.
Please do not book an appointment with a GP until this has been arranged.
For your referral to be triaged all of the following supporting documentation is required:
- Evidence that the above symptoms are significantly impacting school functioning, such that teachers feel that it is holding a child back academically or socially
- Evidence that the above symptoms are significantly impacting the home environment and details of any support the parents have accessed to address these behaviour traits
- Evidence that previous services have been involved, i.e. Educational Psychologist/Behaviour Support Service, with details of current behaviour plan and outcomes
Please provide independent information from at least two settings (for example home and school), from within the last year, that can evidence the behaviour is causing functional problems for the child in more than just the home setting. The problems need to be pervasive across all settings.
Some examples of documents that you may need to provide are:
- Early Help Record and Plan
- Core Standards documentation from schools
- School Nurse/Health Visitor Report
- Education Psychologist Report
- Speech and Language Therapy Report
- TAMHS/CAMHS report
- SEN Plan
Please call reception for further advice, they can direct you to our admin team who will help process the necessary documents.
NHS Guidance on a diagnosis for these conditions may differ in the process to Lawn Medical Centre.
For more information please refer to the NHS Guidance on Autism on this link
Child development
We send out appointments for regular checks and immunisations for pre-school children. This is to make sure that our doctors and health visitors can check that children are developing normally and that there’s nothing to worry about.
Contraceptive services
If you are looking for advise on what contraception is best for you, emergency contraception, where to find your nearest sexual health clinic and a vast array of other helpful contraception resources, please follow the link above to the Sexwise contraception website.
Health screening
We offer a wide range of health screening for men and women at our surgery.
Maternity care
Our antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at our surgery by our doctors and midwives.
Travel advice, vaccinations and immunisations
We offer routine vaccinations and general advice to our patients travelling abroad.
It may take up to eight weeks for a full course of vaccinations, so please contact us in advance to give you plenty of time if you’re planning to go abroad where you need to be vaccinated.
Non-NHS services
Use SystmConnect to Request a fit note or Doctor's letter.
The NHS provides most healthcare and healthcare services free of charge to UK residents, but there are some exceptions.
GPs have to cover operational & running costs- buildings, equipment, heating, lighting, maintenance, Insurance, staff etc.
Therefore, professional fees charged must reflect a contribution to these costs as well as professional time.
Individual practices decide how much to charge for non-NHS services.
There are no standard charges and ‘price fixing’ between practices is not allowed.
What can be charged for?
Examples include the following:
- Medicals for pre-employment, Sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc)
- Letters for confirming medication to be taken abroad
- Private sick note
- Vaccination certificate
Examples of Non-NHS Services which the practice can charge other organisations
- DWP/Benefits Agency Reports
- European working time directive certification
- Medical Reports for Insurance Companies
- Reports for Solicitors
We will inform you of the likely charge prior to completion when you submit a request for paperwork to be completed.
Counsellors and advice services
Find out about local counsellors and advice services. You can access these services by speaking to your GP or the surgery’s receptionist.