Patient Participation Group
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a great way to have your say and represent patients within Lawn Medical Centre as part of the Wyvern Health PPG, which incorporates Lawn Medical Centre, Priory Road Medical Centre and Old Town Surgery.
The PPG are a group of patients who meet up every three months. They get together to discuss and provide feedback on services they receive from us. The group of patients also help us to spread the word about the changes coming to the surgery and make sure patients are involved in important decisions.
Your local surgery needs you!
We are always looking for enthusiastic and willing patients to give us feedback.
If you would like to join the PPG or the next meeting, please complete the form below and a member of the PPG will get back to you as soon as possible.
The NHS Constitution
States that patients have the right to be involved locally in their care. Lawn Medical Centre has established a Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Would you like to be involved?
Would you like to join the Patient Participation Group? (PPG) The Lawn Medical Centre staff and PPG would like to hear from you. The practice welcomes applications from all patients and aims to have a group that truly represents the practice population.
The PPG is made up of volunteers who give their time to work alongside the practice to help and represent the patients. Members can choose to be part of an email only consultation group (virtual member) and/or attend monthly meetings. Questions/Queries might be about;
- The Services we provide
- Setting our priorities for the future
- Helping to agree questions about wider patient surveys
The group operates on a number of levels;
The PPG help represent patient interests in to the health service and the surgery with attendance at various meetings aimed at change within the health service. The meetings are a forum to discuss and progress items raised in your practice survey responses.
Through Fundraising, the PPG aim to improve the surgery facilities, update equipment and improve the general well being for our patients visiting the surgery.
The PPG are working with the surgery to establish open evenings where specialists are invited to speak on the many and varied health conditions which affects the practice population. For more information, please check the practice news board on this website for upcoming events. The PPG and surgery staff hope you will feel this is a valuable community group as well as a personal benefit for patients and staff, and look forward to receiving patient suggestions, help and support regarding improvements which can be made. There is a suggestions box in reception and a feedback option on this website where you can leave any comments or suggestions.
All newcomers welcome. Any communication regarding the PPG can be emailed to
Thank you in advance for working with Lawn Medical Centre.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.